Syllabi Information
Syllabus Template
Faculty can download a copy of the syllabus template (pdf).
Faculty are asked to include all information specified in the template. They may add information as needed such as items required by accreditors or program / department information. Please contact your administrative assistant for a Microsoft Word version of the template to facilitate editing.
Syllabi Information
All students must be familiar with the following federal, state, and regional regulations:
- Academic Misconduct
- Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
- Behavioral Intervention Team
- Inclement Weather Policy
- Release of Confidential Information
- Student Handbook
- Teach Act
- Textbook Information
- Title IX Information and Reporting
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct includes cheating (using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise), plagiarism, falsification of records, unauthorized possession of examinations, intimidation, and any and all other actions that may improperly affect the evaluation of a student's academic performance or achievement, or assisting others in any such act or attempts to engage in such acts. Academic misconduct in any form is inimical to the purposes and functions of the University and therefore is unacceptable and prohibited.
Any faculty member, administrator or staff member may identify an act of academic misconduct and should report that act to the department head/college dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs or administrative supervisor.
Students violating the standards of academic honesty are subject to disciplinary action including reduction of a grade(s) in a specific course, assignment, paper, or project; a formal or informal reprimand at the professorial, dean, or academic vice president level; expulsion from the class in which the violation occurred; expulsion from a program; or expulsion from the university.
Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please notify your faculty member and contact Student Disability Services in Student Affairs: Tahlequah - Hawkreach, Leoser 99 918-444-2042, Broken Arrow/Muskogee Administration Building 918-449-6139.
Behavioral Intervention Team
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a resource for faculty, staff, and students to confidentially report concerns. The team's purpose is to provide support and intervention to individuals displaying varying levels of disruptive, disturbed, distressed, and/or irregular behaviors. More information about BIT, behaviors to report and the reporting process can be found at Behavioral Intervention Team.
Inclement Weather Policy
The following are basic premises for the inclement weather policy at Northeastern:
- Safety of students and employees is the number one priority when implementing the inclement weather policy.
- Decisions on whether and when to cancel classes or to close each of NSU's campuses will be made expeditiously to provide maximum notification time.
- Faculty, staff and students are reminded to use caution when traveling to and from campus. Do not put yourself at risk to reach work or classes.
- Faculty, staff and students are responsible for checking regional television and radio stations for notifications. The NSU website ( and Emergency Alert System ( are also used to convey weather and closing information.
- While classes are expected to be held if at all possible, faculty are encouraged to be flexible regarding absences related to severe weather.
- Faculty members are obligated to hold classes if the university is not closed, unless the faculty member is unable to get to the campus.
- The following media will be notified regarding closing of the campus:
Radio Stations:
Station Channel Location KRMG 740 AM Tulsa KTLQ 1350 AM Tahlequah KEOK 102 FM Tahlequah KMMY (Y97) 97 FM Muskogee KVOO 1170 AM Tulsa KBEZ 92.9 FM Tulsa KMYZ 104.5 FM Tulsa KHTS 106.9 FM Tulsa Television Stations
Station Channel Location KJRH Channel 2 Tulsa KOTV Channel 6 Tulsa KTUL Channel 8 Tulsa
Students are also encouraged to check the NSU telephone messaging service, NSU website and NSU email for updated information.
Approved by Academic Council May 3, 1994
Updated January 27, 2010
Approved by President's Cabinet February 23, 2010
Updated - February 24, 2015
Release of Confidential Information
University policies regarding family educational and privacy rights are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Copies of the act, policies, and regulations are maintained in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, NSU libraries, and the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Requests for release of student data to outside sources, other students, or other employees who do not have access to such information must have written approval from the Registrar.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook serves as a reference to campus life and students are encouraged to consult the handbook for questions relating to student rights and responsibilities, academic policies, financial policies, student life, and campus services. The Student Handbook can be accessed on the Student Affairs website.
Teach Act
In accordance with the TEACH Act of 2002, you are advised that instructional material included in this course may be subject to copyright protection. As such, you must not share, duplicate, transmit, or store the material of this course beyond the purpose and time frame explicitly stated in the syllabus of your course. If you are not certain whether a particular piece of material is covered by copyright protection, you should contact your instructor and obtain her/his written clarification. Failing to observe copyright protection is a violation of law and the student code of conduct.
Textbook Information
Information on Barnes and Noble College Textbook Information.
Managed by Barnes & Noble, the RiverHawk Shoppe (bookstore) offers the best deals on RiverHawks apparel, textbooks, school and office supplies, books and magazines. On the Tahlequah campus, the RiverHawk Shoppe is located on the ground floor of the University Center. On the Broken Arrow Campus, the RiverHawk Shoppe is located in Building A on the first floor. Students may also access the RiverHawk Shoppe online.
Title IX Information and Reporting
Northeastern State University (NSU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, disability, age, or veteran status in its programs and activities. These protections extend to employment with and admission to NSU, as well as, participant in university sponsored programs. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Jamie Hall, Compliance Coordinator (Title IX Coordinator)
Office of Student Conduct and Development
601 N. Grand Avenue, Tahlequah, OK 74464
Phone: 918-444-2120
Fax: 918-458-2340
NSU is committed to providing learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Sex discrimination violates an individual's fundamental rights and personal dignity. NSU considers sex discrimination in all its forms to be a serious offense. This policy refers to all forms of sex discrimination committed against members of the NSU community, including but not limited to: sexual misconduct that includes harassment, consensual, exploitation and violence; unfair treatment based on sex; and, other misconduct offenses when gender-based.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. To ensure compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, NSU has developed policies and procedures that address prohibit sex discrimination in all of its forms. View the Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Discrimination for Students policy and procedure.