Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
Welcome! The Office of Academic Affairs strengthens the campus community by promoting the academic mission, supporting faculty and students, encouraging research and scholarly activities, and enhancing teaching and learning.Dr. Carla Swearingen
Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Read Bio
The mission of Academic Affairs is to create and maintain a supportive environment that promotes the University's academic endeavors in undergraduate, graduate, and professional education. The unit supports and encourages excellence in teaching, scholarly activity, and service. We are committed to providing the highest quality undergraduate and graduate education in the state and region, and achieving national and international prominence in the professional optometry program.
The academic organization of the University features three components that interact to achieve the above objectives: Academic Degree Programs | Academic Support Services | Outreach

Faculty Resources
Our Faculty Resources page includes helpful links, and information about Faculty Scholarship.
Student Resources
Our Student Resources page includes information regarding the Grade Appeal Process and helpful links.
Contact Our Office
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 918-444-2060 or